Episode 10 - value destruction

Friday, 7 July 2023 15:22

In this episode of the Better Value Better Business podcast, host Alex Stacey is taking a look at value creation through the lens of value destruction. There are many ways a consumer and a business can destroy value in products and services and this can, in turn, have catastrophic effects in the short and long term. Join Alex as she explains this principle in detail and how you can learn from the mistakes of others. 


  • Alex talks about value destruction through the Covid pandemic and how many consumers had to look elsewhere to find the enjoyment they previously received from products and services.
  • Value can also be destroyed when a provider changes their working methods, such as a local business moving to a cashless system.
  • Alex talks about how value can be destroyed via a deliberate withholding of resources from either the provider or the consumer and how this can have an effect on third parties.
  • Alex talks about the other ways value can be destroyed such as through laziness, carelessness, malice or deception. And how, sometimes, this may be the behaviour of one individual in an organisation but the effects are felt far and wide.