Episode 4 - Building Strong Brands: Enhancing Value in the Customer Experience

Friday, 7 July 2023 14:57

In this episode Alex dives into the topic of branding. What is branding? How can you use it to add value to your organisation and the experience of your customers? What are some of the reasons behind creating a strong brand and why do we react to certain brands in certain ways? For all this and more, tune in and learn how you can add value through effective branding.


 Alex discusses how branding was originally thought of as a statement of legal ownership but today it has developed into a system that consumers use to identify an organisation and its perceived value.

What is your market? Alex discusses the meaning behind the term ‘market’ and explores ways you can define it and create an understanding around it in order to offer your customers the best value.

Alex talks about companies that offer multiple products and services and how effective branding can help if these are similar products and services or how new and fresh branding can benefit when the products and services are not similar.

Consumers' decisions are influenced by personal or cultural values and as brands can represent a value system, organisations must take this into account when building their brand and look at ways to use this to add value to their customers.

Rcommended reading and references:

Chernatony C and Dall’Olmo Riley F, Defining a “Brand”; Beyond the Literature with Experts’ interpretations

Phil Barden (book) ‘Decoded'