Episode 8 - From Consumer to Service Provider: Exploring the Dynamic Relationship in the Digital Age

Friday, 7 July 2023 15:16

This week Alex looks at what organisations should aim to do to make sure their customers have a positive experience. However, as all customer experiences are unique to the individual and rest on a number of personal, external factors, is it even possible for a company to deliver a positive experience for all? Join Alex as she shares an invaluable insight into this tantalising question. 



  • Despite the delivery of a service from an organisation, the customer experience is unique to the individual, this can be based on many factors including our taste, past experience, influences and expectations of what we will receive. 
  • Consumers are creators of their own experience. Alex highlights this by giving the example of a potato as a product and how 20 different consumers could be looking for 20 different experiences from that potato.
  • Alex discusses the idea that your consumers can become service providers themselves. She gives the example of social media and how the company provides a direct service to the user, who can then use that service to sell their own product, thus making them both a consumer and service provider. 
  • Alex goes into detail about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. What do we really need? How do our essential needs impact our non essential needs, or is it the other way around? Alex breaks it down for you.