AS Insights has evolved from our team's decades of experience supporting change in businesses across the UK and beyond.

We work with companies and organisations to help them understand the key internal and external factors to success - and where their brand essence lies with respect to current and upcoming competitors. We blend the best of marketing pinciples with techniques from behavioural science.

We pride ourselves on maintaining rigour in our methodological approach at all stages of our partnerships.

We use the latest principles from psychology in developing interviews and adapting  evidence-based frameworks and models to structure our insights enabling our clients to develop their brand, understand their core and potential consumers, develop attractive work environments and identify future  investment and growth opportunities. Finding productive partnerships is where our work can make the biggest difference - we like to have regular updates to ensure that our vision for any project has the greatest impact for you.

photo of Alex

Meet the Founder - Alex Stacey

A natural rebel, Alex looks beyond the surface with the critical thinking that creates revolutionary change. Her excellent listening skills and approachable nature form a strong foundation to her work with business leaders, employees and consumers alike.

With a wealth of professional experience spanning marketing, project management and communications, Alex brings a practical and individualised approach to consultancy.

Alex obtained an MSC in Strategic Marketing and Customer Experience Management at the University of Buckingham, an institution renowned for inspiring innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset.  Alex's dissertation was on value-creation and this has led her to resolve impasses in the customer journey for SMEs and larger organisations.

Associate - Fiona McMaster MA, MPh, Phil

Fiona is a behavioural scientist who has worked across public and private sectors. After research and academic leadership roles in Singapore, the US and UK, she moved into the private sector. There, she has managed projects advising some of the world's largest science and technology companies on their research strategies, brand positioning and workshop faciliation approaches.