Consulted by a firm on why one of their best customers had stopped using them, Alex recommended some personalised customer recovery steps. They won them back.

Alex was charged with finding solutions for a consortium of scientific societies in Aberdeen.

Through meetings and questioning of the governance body she got to understand the strategy of the consortium.  She questioned a wider circle of stakeholders identifying different motivations and aims.

This information was used by Alex  to create personas and new sales, marketing and communications messaging.

A study we did found that managers noticed how their staff don't ask them as many questions when they are WFH as when they are in the office.  An investigation showed that online is viewed as private space compared to offline where interrupting is more natural. This resulted in changing the days people could work from home.

A consortium were planning the design and build of an Online digital tool – AS-insights alerted them that there would be customers who didn't know the best ways to use it. AS-Insights recommended  a user group  be set up so customers could help each other to gain new ideas of applications.

Investigating the staff experience of staff working from home  showed that those who had never met their team in real life and had been inducted into their roles online  hadn't aligned with their organisation. We recommended  improved onboarding processes including sufficient authentic experiences within their teams  to 'infect' them before they worked from home.

During some research we undertook for a private practice – there were several instances of phrases such as “I ask my son to help me with online stuff” revealing  a reluctance  to switch to using online technology.  Our understanding of technology reluctance and how to induce behavioural change guided the practice to communicate the right messages that helped these customers change their attitudes and use the technology.