We offer a workshop to inform your staff of the new opportunities offered by the new experience paradigm. This is particularly useful for service design teams and innovators.


We look at your inputs and competitive environment to help future-proof your offering


On the ground and in the field: observations of customers or teams in their environment, focus groups, mystery shopping, interviews.

On the internet: surveys, exit surveys, monitoring user-generated content, netnography, interview

Gaining feedback is fundamental to better understanding changing  expectations, attitudes and behaviours and to continually enhance the brand touchpoint experience.


We examine the results of data collection through recognised models, lenses and frameworks to make sense of the data for you. Strategic positioning analysis uses recognised strategy tools. We particularly recognise the value of using qualitative data.


We can add a layer of insights by using behavioural frameworks and models for a deeper understanding


1. Identifying Positioning and Brand Essence

This is for organisations that are rapidly growing through acquisitions and mergers and need to keep in touch with their customers’ experience of an evolving value offering.

You need to re-assess the competitive positioning and re-evaluate what comes first to mind for your brand essence.

2. Understanding the New Value Paradigm 3 hour Workshop

Looks at the logic of the information age where value is no longer passed along in a linear fashion 'value-chain'.

You will need to understand how and where value can manifest in this technological, 24 hour, internet enabled world if you want your organisation to be sucessful.

3. Identifying Customer or Employee Experience

This is for organisations that are experiencing a higher customer or staff turnover than expected. Or higher sickness and absenteeism in their employees.

You might have undergone changes in company structure and grown through merger or acquisition.

The culture might be changing. You might be sensing changes in social norms in your customers’  and society's behaviours.

You need to know what and why